Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Swim Workout: 2700 (42950/343050)

Wow, workout fail today. I totally read the page wrong and managed to cut me and Lori to 2700 when I meant to do 3200. That said, we still didn't get out of the pool until 7:10, so...

I think the big problem was trying to do the six 50s in the buildup. Those were on a golf score sort of thing where you'd add how long it took to do the 50 plus all your strokes, then get a "score". The point was to get a lower score each time. Well, 6:00AM + math = about 1:15 rest between 50s (we wanted to go on the top to make the math less ridiculous). So there was a lot of lost time there.

Additionally, for the first time since Lori and I started swimming at Cesspool, all the lanes were full at 5:45. One lane had what we thought might be one of our teammates - Tim - in it, but we had to wait for him to stop so we could be sure. It was him, so we got in with him and he finished his workout by doing our warmup with us. But there was some chatting, and the initial waiting around, so we probably lost ten minutes or so there as well.

The slightly shorter distance probably isn't a bad thing anyway, considering I gave blood yesterday afternoon, and I'm still feeling a little drained. The laps with the fins about killed me for some reason, and I spent a lot of the time I was swimming them trying to avoid cramps in my calves and hamstrings. I played softball last night, but I didn't run a whole bunch or anything, so I don't know why my legs are so cranky. Stupid legs.

300 swim (warmup)
200 kick (warmup)
2 x 100 free, 75 swim / 25 kick
6 x 50 free, DPS, descending
2 x 200 free
2 x 200 free with fins
2 x 200 pull
2 x 200 free with fins
50 free, easy (warmdown)
50 breast (warmdown)

Total: 2700 SCY

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