Friday, February 27, 2009

2850 (47750/100200)

200 swim (warmup)
200 kick (warmup)
200 pull (warmup)
8 x 50 kick, non-free/free by 25
2 x 100, 25 right arm/25 left arm/25 fist/25 swim
2 x 300, 100 free/100 back/100 free
200 free on 4:00
2 x 100 back on 3:00
2 x 50 free on :50
2 x 25 fly on :50
200 free (pull) on 4:00
2 x 100 back on 3:00
100 free (warmdown)

Total: 2850

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1400 (44900/97350)

Stroke Clinic

300 swim (warmup)
300, back/breast/free by 50
200, 100 breast/100 back
2 x 100 breast
50 pull
50 dolphin kick with fins
50 dolphin kick with fins on side
2 x 50 free, 25 slow/25 normal
2 x 25 free, slow
100 free

Total: 1400

Uuuum, yeah. I got nothing.

3400 (43500/95950)

200 swim (warmup)
50 kick (warmup)
300, 100 pull on 2:10/100 kick on 2:30/100 stroke (back) on 2:10
2 x 300 free, 100 9-kick hesitation/100 6-kick hesitation/100 swim
400 swim on 6:10
400 choice on 6:30 (pull)
400 swim on 6:10
4 x 100 free on 2:10
4 x 100 free on 1:55
250 pull (warmdown)

Total: 3400

I really liked this swim today, too. I was having trouble focusing on the clock until the 100s at the end, so I have no clue if I was making my intervals, but all three of the 400s felt great to me. I did flipturns on the last one, and those were less great. Still, I'm finally feeling like I have some endurance, and doing a 400 doesn't remotely kill me like it used to. So... yay?

I really liked the 100s, too. Those intervals aren't too difficult for me, and give me enough rest that I don't feel like dying.

The only complaint I have is that Joy is back. And I like Joy, she just doesn't do lane sharing very well. She gets tired fast and stops a lot, but never gets out of the way when she does, which messes up my flipturns (or my ability to attempt one). Also, for those last four 100s, she was wearing fins so she could keep up, and I was worried the whole time she was going to mow me down.

My stomach is totally rebelling today. I think it might be that I drank most of my water after my warmdown, so I put 750 ml into the system all at once. I thought eating would help, and it is a little, but oog. Not shiny.

Monday, February 23, 2009

1550 (40100/92550)

Stroke Clinic

100 swim (with fins)
2 x 50, sprint/swim by 25
3 x 50, kick/swim by 25
2 x 100, drill/swim by 50
200 pull
50 pull
50 swim
25 dolphin kick
25 fly
3 x 50 sprint
100 build
10 pushoff/glide (~50) - I did some three stroke fly in here too, just to amuse myself
2 x 50 torpedo
50 modified torpedo
50 corkscrew

Total: 1550

This was fun today too. We spent most of this working on our body position for freestyle, and did a bunch of rolls and side glides and stuff. I also got to share my lane with one of the cute guards for a little bit at the beginning, which was just fine with me, heh.

2950 (38550/91000)

100 swim (warmup)
100 drill (warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
100 swim (warmup)
50 kick (warmup)
10 x 50, kick drill by 25, odds fist drill, evens head-up drill, 6-10 with fins
3 x 200 pull on 4:15
6 x 50 drill on 1:10 (catchup/fist/one arm x 2)
2 x 200 swim on 4:00
4 x 50 drill on 1:10 (catchup/fist x 2)
300 swim on 4:30
2 x 50 drill on 1:10 (catchup/fist)

Total: 2950

I really liked this workout today, but then technique day is always my favorite. Unfortunately I lost track of the yardage and didn't realize I was ending so close to 3000, or I would have warmed down at least a 50. We got interrupted in the middle of the main set by a PT guy who came to give a talk about some services we can try out. I'm not sure I'm going to give it a shot, but it's nice to know it's out there. Unfortunately it shorted our workout a little bit. Oh well. Life goes on.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

3000 (35600/88050)

100 swim (warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
50 fly drill (3-3-3)
2 x 25 fly
50 fly drill (one arm, left then right by 25)
2 x 25 fly
100 fly kick (on back)
100 flutter kick
2000 pull
100 back kick
100 whip kick
200 swim (warmdown)

Total: 3000

Just an extra swim today by myself.  Jeff wanted to go to stick and puck, so I went along and swam while he skated.  The 2000 pull started as me wanting to pull a mile (1760, so 1800) and deciding to just make it an even 2000.  It actually felt pretty good.

I'm still a mile behind my goal for February, and a about two for the year.  I might be able to gain some ground next week, but then I'm missing a bunch of swims the first week of March (two masters practices and two stoke clinics), so I'll be nice and behind again after that.  I'm thinking I'm going to start swimming on Tuesdays now that my fitness class is over, either before work or after.  Hopefully that way I can get back on track.

Friday, February 20, 2009

2650 (32600/85050)

100 swim (warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
6 x 75, kick/drill/swim by 25 (free/free/breast/free/back/back)
2 x 100 free, build by 25
12 x 50 free on 1:00, every fourth sprint
10 x 50 free on 1:10, every third sprint
8 x 50 free on 1:20, every other sprint
4 x 50 free on 1:30, sprint
100 pull (warmdown)

Total: 2650

Speed day. I wasn't feeling it at all. We did a lot of skating in hockey practice last night, and I could immediately tell the lactic acid hadn't been flushed out of those big leg muscles when I started kicking today. Also, I ate right before bed, and ended up with a fun stomach ache this morning (which has become nausea again - bleh, should eat breakfast but I feel horrid). On top of that I donated blood last night too, so I think my body is just done with me.

Aaand I just made the mistake of going into the break room (to fill up my water bottle) where people are preparing food for lunch today. BBQ sauce. Cooked beef. Vomiting was an actual concern. Ugh, and I can kinda smell it at my desk, too. Gah.

I'm just going to rant here because I can't really anywhere else: Just because I'm a vegetarian it doesn't mean that I consider a large mushroom to be an acceptable alternative to real food. I like portabello mushrooms just fine, but sliced and incorporated into things, not as a sandwich filling. See, mushrooms a) never seem to get cooked enough, and b) cool down pretty fast, so halfway though it's like eating wet paper towel on a bun. And the really annoying thing is that I feel obligated to eat it, because I'm one of two vegetarians at the company, so they had to get the stupid mushrooms specially. I hate BBQ day. HATE. With the white hot passion of a thousand suns.

Blah blah blah. Sprinting today was hard. The main sets were actually 16 and 12, but Evan cut them to 14 and 10, and I further cut the first one to 12 because I thought I was going to die. I was really rather shocked I made it through the last two sets. I didn't think there was any way in hell I was going to be able to. Notably the last 50 we did from a dive, and I ended up swimming a 40.1 off a dive from the deck. Not too shabby, esepically after all the previous torture.

Tonight we have a get together over at this guy Karl's house. I wasn't sure if I was going to go or not, but I promised Lori I'd be there, so I need to at least put in an appearance. Maybe I'll just go and fall asleep on his couch, heh.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1050 (29950/82400)

Stroke Clinic

100 swim (warmup)
3 x 100 pull, breathe every 5
2 x 50 back
50 breast
100 whip kick
2 x 50 breast
100 breast drill (glide)
50 breast
100 breast drill (one pull, two kicks)
50 breast

Total: 1050

I ended up having an anxiety attack right before clinic (long story), but mellowed out in the middle of the pull 100s. Also, my stomach settled down a little, and Chris gave me a huge brownie afterward that I devoured immediately. Mmm.

I swear I felt like I did more than 1050, but going over it several times, I don't think I did. Oh well.

3450 (28900/81350)

100 swim (warmup)
100 drill (warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
100 back drill (warmup)
50 back (warmup)
4 x 75, kick/drill/swim by 25 (1 and 2 free, 3 and 4 back)
100 back dolphin kick (with fins)
175 drill/swim by 50 (free)
250 free build
325 drill/swim by 50 (back)
400 pull
100 back dolphin kick (with fins)
150 drill/swim by 50 (free)
200 free build
250 drill/swim by 50 (free with snorkel)
300 pull
100 back dolphin kick (with fins)
150 free build (with fins)
2 x 100 pull (warmdown)

Total: 3450

Um, yeah. I got to work and drank some nuclear coffee and currently feel like tossing my cookies, so this is probably going to be short.

Swim was okay. I liked the main set today. Drill day is always my favorite, especially when there's that much pulling. Plus drills break things up, and when my brain is more involved the swim usually goes faster. Just swimming long sets I get that whole, 'okay, 300 more to go, god my arms hurt, I can't breathe, gonna die, 250 more, I can't wait for this to be over' thing going and it makes swimming feel like a chore.

Lori and I shared lane two today since we were lower in numbers. Erin (she's been swimming with us for about two weeks) was in lane one with a new guy whose name I didn't catch who apparently could swim pretty fast, but was really slow on drills. The girls' high school swimming season is over now (hallelujah), and the boys' has started, with it a lot of yelling by their coach. I'm glad I don't swim for them, or I'd probably cry daily. I'm just happy to have my quiet locker room back. Heh.

Blah blah blah, I really wish I had some kind of bread product to soak up the evil in my stomach. I don't think my banana is going to make me feel better. Urg.

Monday, February 16, 2009

3200 (25450/77900)

200 swim (warmup)
200 drill (catchup/fist/one arm/back one arm - warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
50 back kick (warmup)
800 pull, broken into 150 free, 50 stroke (back, fly/back, breast, back/fly)
200 free on 3:30
200 free on 4:30 (recovery)
200 free on 3:20
3 x { 150 free (easy/hard/easy) on 2:50, 100 free build on 1:50, 50 hard on 1:00) }
75 back (warmdown)
75 back kick (warmdown)
50 fly (with fins, for fun)
150 back kick (warmdown)

Total: 3200

I did not swim this weekend, which was probably a good thing, since I had two hockey games. On the other hand, I'm pretty far behind my monthly goal at this point (25450 yards is about 14.5 miles, and I should be at 16 if I want to be on track). I finished January a mile behind, and last week was kind of thin on yardage, so that's probably where the disparity is coming from.

Of course today I'm missing stroke clinic so I can go eat Indian food for lunch. Not that I'd consider that a bad trade off, it's just going to put me a bit more behind. If I can get 3200 on both Wednesday and Friday morning and 1000 at stroke clinic on Wednesday, I'll be about 1.5 miles back on Friday. If I swim this weekend (2700 yards) I can catch up for Friday, at least, but I'll still be two miles behind on Monday. And then, of course, I will be missing two morning practices and two stroke clinics the first week of March when I go out of town. I might just have to plan on swimming a couple thousand yards on either Saturday or Sunday for the next few weeks. Or maybe I can go on Tuesday nights after work, once I get done with my fitness class this week. That might be an idea.

Blah blah blah. The workout today was pretty good. Challenging but not enough to totally kill me. Lane one was just me and Lori today, which was nice and relaxing since I didn't have to worry about crashing into anyone. I am starting to wonder what happened to the three guys who I'd been sharing my lane with recently (Jim, Tom, and JD). I haven't seen any of them in about two weeks.

My lungs behaved most of the beginning of the main set, but then crapped out at the end of the third 200. I started the Pulmicort like I planned on Saturday, but the inhaler thing is weird and I honestly can't tell if I'm getting any medication out of it or not. The directions say that you might not be able to tell that you've inhaled the medication and NOT to take a second dose, even if you don't feel like you got one. There's a counter on the side, but it hasn't moved much since I started taking it. I took my fifth dose this morning and the little thing has only moved a tiny fraction. I have no idea, man. And since I got it mail order, I didn't have a pharmasist telling me if I'm doing it right or not. If it keeps feeling weird, I might call my doctor and ask. This stuff is way too complicated for me, apparently.

Pulling fly and breast, by the way, is weird. Fly was easier, but tiring. I was trying really hard to use the motion of my torso to help me move forward in the water, but I have no idea if I'm doing it right or not. Breast was just really, really slow.

Man, I wanted to stay in bed this morning. I'm glad I didn't, but it was so appealing. Ugh, Mondays.

Friday, February 13, 2009

2600 (22250/74700)

200 swim (warmup)
8 x 50 kick, descend by 50 (1-4, 5-8) on 1:15
8 x 50 swim, descend by 50 (1-4, 5-8) on 1:05
250, 100 free / 75 back / 50 breast / 25 fly
250, 25 fly / 100 free / 75 back / 50 breast
250, 50 breast / 25 fly / 100 free / 75 back
250, 75 back / 50 breast / 25 fly / 100 free
200 free
4 x 50 stroke (back/breast/back/breast)
100 free
4 x 25 stroke (fly with fins)

Total: 2600

Another short one for me today. I only managed 200 of the 500 warmup because I was late, and it was hard to get in because the pool was cold (there's an age group meet today). Whine whine. Also, my hockey coach had us doing breakouts until about a quarter after 11:00 last night. The 8 x 50 kick set about killed me.

I'm really wondering if I'm having a bad reaction to the 250/50 Advair I've been taking. I didn't have a problem with the 100/50, but my doctor is only having me taking the 250/50 once a day, since it's got 1.5 times more of the sterioid (fluticasone propionate) in it. And, reading up a bit on it, apparently I have experienced a couple of the no-no side effects (rash, for one, which I dismissed as hockey gear related and shortness of breath that doesn't respond to my rescue inhaler), plus nausea (I actually got sick again this morning). The funny thing is that the allergy I'm exhibiting is to the salmeterol, of which the new inhaler has the same amount as the old one I was using. I don't know, but I can tell that I'm having a harder time breathing when I'm swimming, and even when I'm not. I got my Pulmicort yesterday, but I was putting off starting it because drugs are expensive and that Advair was free. However, in light of all this, I think I'm going to start the Pulmicort tomorrow.

Butterfly sans fins still = disaster. Butterfly with fins = pretty decent. Apparently I need bigger feet? Actually, I think my kick is kinda weak, so the fins make up for it. Must work on this.

Because I've been so short this week, I'm getting a little behind on my "Mile a Day" goal for 2009. I might have to swim this weekend. We'll see how I feel Saturday, I guess. Wee.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

800 (19650/72100)

Stroke Clinic

100 swim (warmup)
4 x 50 back
25 breast / 25 back
4 x 25 whipkick
50 breast
50 whipkick (on back)
25 whipkick (on back)
25 fly / 25 back kick
2 x 50, 25 free sprint / 25 back kick
25 back kick

Total: 800

This one was especially short today. I'm not sure why, though Chris did have us doing core work out of the pool again today, so maybe that was it. I didn't mind, though, since my neck is still bothering me. She made me one of those rice neck thingers and gave it to me today, and I think I'm in love. Mm, heat.

3000 (18850/71300)

300 swim (warmup)
50 back kick (warmup)
300 dolphin kick with fins, back/front by 25
3 x 50 fast flutter kick (with fins) on 1:15
4 x { 100 kick (with fins) / 100 pull / 100 swim (all on 2:15) }
2 x { 3 x 50 free sprint on 1:30 / 200 free (recovery) on 4:00 }
4 x 75, evens 25 swim/25 drill/25 swim, odds 25 swim/25 sprint/25 swim on 1:30

Total: 3000

I loved the 12 x 100 set we did today. Lots of rest (since I was averaging 1:45 on my 100s), getting to change things up a lot, and pulling. I'm not sure I can describe how much I love pull sets. I'd rather do a 1000 pull than a 200 fast. Bring it on.

Also, I got to see myself swim for the first time today. Evan brought out this huge flat mirror and they put it on the bottom of the pool. Most of the day it was in lane two, but for the 75s at the end they moved it to lane one so we could use it. Evan wanted us to use it for practicing streamlining off the wall, but I really wanted to swim over it so I could see my stroke. He said we can do that another day. I thought it was fun to see my streamline, and I was actually sort of shocked by how good it looked. I cheated on my last 25 sprint and started my stroke early so I could see it, and it looked pretty nice too. Or I thought it did, at least.

And wow, I forgot to post this for several hours. I should probably do that now so I can put in my workout from stroke clinic. Heh.

Monday, February 9, 2009

1250 (15850/68300)

Stroke Clinic

250 free (warmup)
50 back (warmup)
25 free
100 pull
25 free
3 x 50 free, 25 blind swim, 25 swim
200 free (with fins)
50 dolphin kick (with fins)
50 free sprint (:40)
200 back
100 free, pace with snorkel
50 free (warmdown)

Total: 1250

Nothing to say, move along...

2800 (14600/67050)

300 swim (warmup)
3 x 100 kick (free/back/breast)
6 x 50 drill, 25 fist/high elbows, 25 fist/catchup
200 pull
2 x 150 free fast
3 x 100 drill (25 fist right arm/25 fist left arm/25 catchup high elbows/25 fist catchup)
4 x 50 free fast
200 pull
150 free fast
100 drill (25 fist right arm/25 fist left arm/25 catchup high elbows/25 fist catchup)
2 x 50 free fast
5 x 50 kick with fins
100 back kick (warmdown)

Total: 2800

I'm going to preface this post with the information that taking prescription anti-inflammatories on an empty stomach is a Bad Idea.

This weekend I had a late hockey game on Saturday night in Denver (which is about 65 miles from where I live). I played my game and drove home without any problems. Then, as I was getting undressed to take a shower, I managed to move my left arm in just the right way to twinge my neck and pinch some nerve in there that caused me to have shooting back and neck pain for the rest of the weekend. I spent Sunday in a Vicodin induced stupor, then had to play in another hockey game that evening. It didn't go too badly and actually loosened up the muscles in my neck quite a bit.

Still, there was enough pain when I got up this morning that I decided to go ahead and take another anti-inflammatory before practice this morning. I forwent the painkiller because I was afraid it would upset my stomach. Ha.

I was mostly okay until the first 150 fast, and then I started to feel pretty unwell. The 50 free sprints were worse. And then, in the middle of the 5 x 50 kick set... well, we'll just be thankful there wasn't anything in my stomach to throw up.

Also, in light of the neck pain, I did all of the 100 drill sets and two of the three 150 free sets with the snorkel. Evan was actually really happy with my using it, and was excited to help me work on my stroke form since I didn't have to worry about my breathing. Which is good, because it was sucking today, too. I'm still getting a catch right in the center of my chest, probably around the bronchial tubes. I'm still waiting for my new maintenance medication to come in the mail (they're putting me on Pulmicort because it's tier one and a lot cheaper) and I'm currently taking a different strength of Advair that I was before (250 instead of 100), so I'm not sure if it's the new Advair or what that's causing the lung trouble.

Blah blah. Probably the only other notable thing today was that I did :42 and :44 on my fastest 50 free sprints. I think I've gotten a :39 before, so not great, but not bad considering.

Friday, February 6, 2009

3400 (11800/64250)

200 swim (warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
100 drill (warmup)
6 x 50 free (from center of pool, flipturns at both walls, three strokes before breath) on 1:05
4 x 200 free on 3:45
4 x 50 kick, 25 free / 25 choice
600 pull
2 x 75, 25 swim/25 drill/25 swim
400 free (7:30)
2 x 100 choice (back/breast)
200 free fast (3:26)
150 pull (warmdown)

Total: 3400

Wow, my lungs hurt right now. Ow.

So today it was just me and Lori (whose name I've been spelling wrong this whole time) in lane one and it was awesome. We split, so we could go our own pace, and even though she was ahead of me most of the set today, I actually felt pretty good about it. Evan timed my last 200, and he said that Lori only beat me by :04 on hers, so yay! He said I did better on the speed part. Which is awesome considering that last 25 I felt like my arms were going to break off. Though I did think about an excerpt from a book that Joel McKenna posted a bit ago about what it feels like to push yourself, and even though I'm not in that much pain, I focused on what I was feeling and burned through it.

I also spent most of that 400 focusing on my breathing, how I paced it, how I rolled my body and how far I tipped my neck to make the whole action more efficient. It was actually feeling really good by the end, and the 7:30 was a time I was happy with (puts my 50s at around :52, which is about right for me on distance).

On those 50s with flip turns I think I was doing pretty close to :52-:53 as well, but holy cow that three strokes off the wall without breathing killed me. I felt like my chest was going to explode afterward, which I think is why my 200s after that suffered. We were supposed to be swimming them on 3:45, and I made the interval all four times, but I ended up having to take an extra 20-30 seconds rest between all but the first and second one.

My whipkick is actually feeling pretty good these days. Lori and I were doing that kick set together and she was doing flutter kick and I beat her to the wall by a good five seconds doing whipkick. My dolphin kick is sloooow. But it's good for my core, so I won't complain (too much).

Blah blah, swimming today actually felt pretty good. Evan only cut 450 yards off the main set for me and Lori, which isn't too shabby. Could really use a nap about now, though, hehe.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1150 (8400/60850)

Stroke Clinic

100 swim (warmup)
100 pull
50 pull
100 back
4 x 50, 25 free sprint / 25 back kick
100 dolphin kick
25 butterfly / 25 free
100 dolphin kick
2 x 50 dolphin kick with fins
2 x 25 butterfly with fins
50 butterfly
50 free slow
200 free (with snorkel - warmdown)

Total: 1150

More butterfail. But maybe I'm getting better? I kick butterfly's ass when I'm wearing fins. I think it might be a power issue with my legs, and Logan (one of the guards) was giving me a bunch of tips about my streamline and my entry, my kick action and my timing. It's probably just something that needs a bunch of work. I should just go to the pool on the weekend and swim butterfly until I die.

Er, beyond that, I got to practice diving some more today. I'm still not good, but getting better maybe? Oh, who knows. Bah!

2650 (7250/59700)

200 swim (warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
150 swim (warmup)
6 x 25 dolphin kick (with fins) on :40
6 x 50 free build on 1:05
2 x 75, fly/free/fly by 25 (with fins) on 1:50
2 x 75, back/free/back by 25 on 1:50
2 x 75, breast/free/breast by 25 on 1:50
200 IM on 4:00 (haha, more like 4:30)
200 free on 3:50
200 free on 3:40
200 IM (as 2 x 100 IM) on 4:00 (again, more like 4:30)
200 free on 3:50
200 free on 3:40
100 kick (warmdown)

Total: 2650

I always feel like I was being lazy when my total yardage is below 3000, but Evan always tells me that he has to give us more rest when we're doing stroke sets, etc. I probably could have done a bit more warmdown, but I wanted to get to work by 7:30-ish, so. Anyway, my shoulders are killing me today from doing pull-ups yesterday.

Ugh. My butterfly is still the saddest thing ever. I think I have even less stamina now than I did a couple weeks ago, as far as my fly goes. The reason that second IM got broken into two 100s is because I couldn't make 50 fly, and then on my second 100 I couldn't finish the 25 fly either. I'm hoping it's because my arms were tired from yesterday and not just because I'm that pathetic. Blah.

I did make all my intervals today, though, outside of those IM sets. So yay? We got an extra lane today, so the faster contingent from lane one (Laurie and Alex) got lane two to themselves, and everyone else got bumped over a lane. I was swimming with Jim and Joy in lane one, and they're both slower than me, so I got to lead (except in the fly parts, because Joy is really good at that).

Blah blah blah, I'm tired. Nnng.

Monday, February 2, 2009

1200 (4600/57050)

Stroke Clinic

100 free (warmup)
100 pull (warmup)
25 free (check)
2 x 50 free
25 free (check)
50 back
200 whip kick
150 backstroke kick
2 x 25 free (demo)
6 x 25 free (with snorkel, pace)
3 x 50 free (with snorkel)
50 free sprint (with snorkel) - :40
50 back kick

Total: 1200

Lots of snorkel today, mostly because I twinged my neck playing hockey (got shoved over backward after blocking a shot and hit my head pretty hard on the ice) and Chris thinks the neck injury was pulling my stroke offline a bit. It was a bit of a nice ego boost to be demoing and pacing for some of the other swimmers today, though. At least I can be helpful at clinic.

Being able to breathe whenever you want is helpful on the sprint too, obviously.

3400 (3400/56050)

200 swim (warmup)
150 kick (warmup)
9 x 50 free (from center of pool, flipturns at both walls) on 1:10
2 x 200 pull on 3:40
200 free, 3 strokes off wall before breath on 3:40
150 free, 3 dolphin kicks off wall
3 x { V Sprints - 25 easy/fast // 25 fast/easy // 25 build // 25 sprint, each 25 on :40 }
325 - 150 free / 25 fly / 150 free
275 - 100 free / 75 sprint / 100 free
225 - 100 free / 25 back / 100 free
175 - 50 free / 75 sprint / 50 free
125 - 50 free / 25 breast / 50 free
75 free sprint
200 pull (warmdown)
50 free kick (warmdown)
100 back kick (warmdown)

Total: 3400

Despite that final total, today sucked. It was just me and Alex in the slow lane, and I got to go back to my old method of being the only special kid in class, getting shorter sets. Laurie got bumped to lane two, and I imagine this is where she'll stay from now on, since we obviously weren't crowded in lane one today.

Anyway, I had a depressing weekend and swimming today only really cemented my feelings of being a worthless failure. Then some other things happened this morning to make it suck even more. I really could have used a mental health day, but I have a meeting this afternoon I can't miss, so I'm here. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.