Monday, February 9, 2009

2800 (14600/67050)

300 swim (warmup)
3 x 100 kick (free/back/breast)
6 x 50 drill, 25 fist/high elbows, 25 fist/catchup
200 pull
2 x 150 free fast
3 x 100 drill (25 fist right arm/25 fist left arm/25 catchup high elbows/25 fist catchup)
4 x 50 free fast
200 pull
150 free fast
100 drill (25 fist right arm/25 fist left arm/25 catchup high elbows/25 fist catchup)
2 x 50 free fast
5 x 50 kick with fins
100 back kick (warmdown)

Total: 2800

I'm going to preface this post with the information that taking prescription anti-inflammatories on an empty stomach is a Bad Idea.

This weekend I had a late hockey game on Saturday night in Denver (which is about 65 miles from where I live). I played my game and drove home without any problems. Then, as I was getting undressed to take a shower, I managed to move my left arm in just the right way to twinge my neck and pinch some nerve in there that caused me to have shooting back and neck pain for the rest of the weekend. I spent Sunday in a Vicodin induced stupor, then had to play in another hockey game that evening. It didn't go too badly and actually loosened up the muscles in my neck quite a bit.

Still, there was enough pain when I got up this morning that I decided to go ahead and take another anti-inflammatory before practice this morning. I forwent the painkiller because I was afraid it would upset my stomach. Ha.

I was mostly okay until the first 150 fast, and then I started to feel pretty unwell. The 50 free sprints were worse. And then, in the middle of the 5 x 50 kick set... well, we'll just be thankful there wasn't anything in my stomach to throw up.

Also, in light of the neck pain, I did all of the 100 drill sets and two of the three 150 free sets with the snorkel. Evan was actually really happy with my using it, and was excited to help me work on my stroke form since I didn't have to worry about my breathing. Which is good, because it was sucking today, too. I'm still getting a catch right in the center of my chest, probably around the bronchial tubes. I'm still waiting for my new maintenance medication to come in the mail (they're putting me on Pulmicort because it's tier one and a lot cheaper) and I'm currently taking a different strength of Advair that I was before (250 instead of 100), so I'm not sure if it's the new Advair or what that's causing the lung trouble.

Blah blah. Probably the only other notable thing today was that I did :42 and :44 on my fastest 50 free sprints. I think I've gotten a :39 before, so not great, but not bad considering.

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