Monday, February 16, 2009

3200 (25450/77900)

200 swim (warmup)
200 drill (catchup/fist/one arm/back one arm - warmup)
100 kick (warmup)
50 back kick (warmup)
800 pull, broken into 150 free, 50 stroke (back, fly/back, breast, back/fly)
200 free on 3:30
200 free on 4:30 (recovery)
200 free on 3:20
3 x { 150 free (easy/hard/easy) on 2:50, 100 free build on 1:50, 50 hard on 1:00) }
75 back (warmdown)
75 back kick (warmdown)
50 fly (with fins, for fun)
150 back kick (warmdown)

Total: 3200

I did not swim this weekend, which was probably a good thing, since I had two hockey games. On the other hand, I'm pretty far behind my monthly goal at this point (25450 yards is about 14.5 miles, and I should be at 16 if I want to be on track). I finished January a mile behind, and last week was kind of thin on yardage, so that's probably where the disparity is coming from.

Of course today I'm missing stroke clinic so I can go eat Indian food for lunch. Not that I'd consider that a bad trade off, it's just going to put me a bit more behind. If I can get 3200 on both Wednesday and Friday morning and 1000 at stroke clinic on Wednesday, I'll be about 1.5 miles back on Friday. If I swim this weekend (2700 yards) I can catch up for Friday, at least, but I'll still be two miles behind on Monday. And then, of course, I will be missing two morning practices and two stroke clinics the first week of March when I go out of town. I might just have to plan on swimming a couple thousand yards on either Saturday or Sunday for the next few weeks. Or maybe I can go on Tuesday nights after work, once I get done with my fitness class this week. That might be an idea.

Blah blah blah. The workout today was pretty good. Challenging but not enough to totally kill me. Lane one was just me and Lori today, which was nice and relaxing since I didn't have to worry about crashing into anyone. I am starting to wonder what happened to the three guys who I'd been sharing my lane with recently (Jim, Tom, and JD). I haven't seen any of them in about two weeks.

My lungs behaved most of the beginning of the main set, but then crapped out at the end of the third 200. I started the Pulmicort like I planned on Saturday, but the inhaler thing is weird and I honestly can't tell if I'm getting any medication out of it or not. The directions say that you might not be able to tell that you've inhaled the medication and NOT to take a second dose, even if you don't feel like you got one. There's a counter on the side, but it hasn't moved much since I started taking it. I took my fifth dose this morning and the little thing has only moved a tiny fraction. I have no idea, man. And since I got it mail order, I didn't have a pharmasist telling me if I'm doing it right or not. If it keeps feeling weird, I might call my doctor and ask. This stuff is way too complicated for me, apparently.

Pulling fly and breast, by the way, is weird. Fly was easier, but tiring. I was trying really hard to use the motion of my torso to help me move forward in the water, but I have no idea if I'm doing it right or not. Breast was just really, really slow.

Man, I wanted to stay in bed this morning. I'm glad I didn't, but it was so appealing. Ugh, Mondays.

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