Thursday, June 18, 2009

1500 / 3300 (21450/230300)

So the first workout here was from Wednesday, June 17. I hadn't swam since the previous Friday, and after watching a TON of live swimming at the Grand Prix, I was starting to go crazy, I wanted to swim so badly. So I took 45 minutes and went to the smaller of the two muni pools in my area. There are so few lanes in that pool to begin with, and the Vortex age group swim team was having practice, so I had to share a lane the whole way, half of the time with a guy who was just doing distance freestyle (who had one half of the lane), and half of the time with three people (another guy came along and I offered to share my half of the lane with him in a screwed up circle swim because the other guy didn't stop for us to get his attention and have him circle swim as well).

It made swimming fly interesting, but I had been wanting to swim some butterfly for so long that I made it work by doing some one-arm fly when needed.

The second workout was from Thursday's long course Masters practice. I don't have much comments about that, except that I LOVE long course, and I'm sad we don't get to do it again until next summer. *cries*

500 free (open turns)
200 free (flip turns)
300 pull with paddles (drill)
2 x 100 breast
50 fly
100 IM
50 free
100 pull

Total: 1500 yards


300 swim (warmup)
100 drill (warmup)

200 pull
200 fast
150 drill (6 kick hesitation/catchup/zipper)
100 stroke (breast)
50 fast

200 pull
150 drill (6 kick hesitation/catchup/zipper)
150 fast
100 stroke (back)
50 fast
50 streamline kick

200 pull
150 drill (6 kick hesitation/catchup/zipper)
100 stroke (free)
100 fast
50 fast

200 pull
150 drill (6 kick hesitation/catchup/zipper)
100 stroke (breast)
50 fast
50 fast
50 streamline kick

Total: 3000 LCM (~3300 LCY)

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