Friday, June 5, 2009

3000 (9300/218150)

200 swim (warmup)
200 kick (warmup)
4 x { 3 x 50 free, first easy, second moderate, third sprint, all on 1:00 }
24 x 25 spins (freestyle sprint with fins) on :35
200 free easy
3 x 100 free, 1 and 2 sprint, 3 easy on 2:00
6 x 50 free, sprint down, easy back on 1:10
10 x 25 free, all sprint except 4 and 8, :05 rest
150 pull (warmdown)

Total: 2800 SCM (~3000 SCY)

Lately I haven't been having time to write these until right before I leave work for the night, and I just want to go home now, so I'm going to keep it short.

Evan was gone for a swim meet (coaching), so Reu coached today. I like it when he coaches, because he spends extra time with us slow kids to teach us technique. Today he pointed out that I'm not finishing my pull all the way before I pull my arm up for a stroke on freestyle, so I fixed it and wow, what a difference. It definitely helped my speed and strength, though it did make my triceps hurt a little. My wrists are sore now too, which might be part of it as well.

Lots of sprinting. Reu said he felt bad about it when I told him I was doing a tri tomorrow, heh.

We were really short today, possibly because a lot of masters are swim parents and the kids' meet is out of town this weekend, but also maybe because of practice yesterday morning. Either way, there were so few people that the slow lane got two lanes for four of us, so we each got to split and run to sets together, which was a lot of fun. All of us (me, Vicki, Lori, and Amanda) pace really close to each other that way. It's kinda neat. :)

Okay, I'm outta here. Gotta go get my wetsuit and then probably a beer. I have to try and go to bed early-ish tonight because I'm carpooling to Boulder and we're meeting at 5:00AM, which means I need to get up around 4:15. Good times.

Happy weekend, all.