Monday, May 11, 2009

3300 / 3200 (19500/191200)

Masters Practice, Monday, May 11

100 free (warmup)
100 back/breast (warmup)
4 x 75 kick, desc 1-4
4 x 50 free build, desc 1-4
4 x 25 free, easy / fast / drill / fast
5 x 200 free*, fifth fast for time (3:05)
4 x 50 drill
5 x 200 free*, fifth fast for time (3:09)
400 pull (warmdown)

Total: 3300


Masters Practice, Wednesday, May 13

300 swim (warmup)
8 x 75, 25 kick / 25 drill / 25 swim, IM order
300 pull, descend by 100
200 IM
100 kick
4 x 25 fly on 1:00
300 IM (with fins)
200 kick, sprint/moderate by 25
100 pull, 90% effort
4 x 25 back on :45
300 kick, 75 each stroke (with fins except whip kick)
200 pull, descend by 50
100 IM
4 x 25 breast on 1:00
200 swim (warmdown)

Total: 3200

I have never felt so dead after a swim practice before. About an hour later at the grocery store, I almost dropped both a pineapple and a carton of juice because of how tired my arms were. And they're still tired, as are my quads. I think I'm going to blame all that butterfly, plus the bike ride from yesterday. My muscles are on hiatus.

I was actually pretty cranky about practice this morning. Alex is back, and he's lovely, but he doesn't seem to believe in rest. So I didn't really get much, and I was gassed the whole time, and sucking pool water like crazy because I couldn't breathe, blah blah blah. It was just one of those days where I got reminded how much I suck at everything. And yeah, I know I suck, I've only been swimming like this for about 5.5 months, but some days it's harder than others to be the slowest person in the slowest lane in the pool.

Moo. I felt marginally better at the end when I talked to Tasha (who coached today so Evan could swim with us) and she said she thought our lane did an awesome job, especially with the IM stuff and the amount of it we did. Still, I want to be better. Like, immediately. I've always been one for instant gratification. I know it's not even remotely realistic, but that's just the way I am.

Anyway, swimming has been okay. I've been mostly happy with it, and that's a good thing. A bad thing, however, is that there won't be any more stroke clinic until August at the earliest. Normally it takes a break from June until August anyway, but Chris, the instructor, has some major vitamin deficiencies and has to be on some nasty medicine that makes her light-headed, so she hasn't been teaching since last Monday, and they just canceled the clinic all together.

Because of this, I want to add another day a week to do drop in, probably after work. I'm thinking Thursdays, since I have softball on Tuesdays. We'll see, I guess. I skipped last week, but I'm planning to go tomorrow. Let's see if I actually do it.

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