Friday, April 10, 2009

3000 (18850/144250)

200 swim (warmup)
50 kick (warmup)
125 free drill
100 free, 90% effort
250, 100 free / 50 drill / 100 free
200 IM (25 drill / 25 swim)
325, 125 free / 75 drill / 125 free
300 free, 90% effort
300 free, negative split
325, 125 free / 75 kick / 125 free
200 IM (25 kick / 25 swim)
250, 100 free / 50 kick / 100 free
100 free, breathe every 5
125 kick
150 pull (warmdown)

Total: 3000

Wow, I had a hard time remembering those weird sets with the 50/75 drill in the middle. I think I got it right finally, though.

SO sore today. Still. Kicking was really hard work, but I made it through. Barely. Also, I was so tired when I got up that I was literally delirious. I finally started focusing a bit into the swim, but it definitely took a while.

Not a whole lot else noteworthy. Nick continues to practice his broken 50 backstroke. I think he's getting better. Reu was coaching again today, and I really like having his input. He's a good guy. Also, I dove off the block for the first time ever. It was a spectacular failure, but hey, I did it! Reu says he'll help me work on it next Wednesday. I really wish Chris hadn't told me about the person who broke his neck diving into the shallow lap lanes. I'm dead scared of killing myself now, ha.


  1. I've read your blog for a little while but I haven't figured out if you swim with the FAST team in Fullerton or another FAST team in an undisclosed location... if you swim for the Fullerton team at the Janet Evans pool I totally feel you on being scared of diving in off those blocks! I swam at their masters meet back in February and totally had to modify my starts to keep from smacking the bottom of that pool. Instead I just flopped on my chest each time out. It's a nice pool but it needs another 3 feet of water! If you don't swim at Fullerton... pardon my incredibly off topic comment :)

  2. I don't swim in Fullerton, but I don't mind the comment at all! The team I swim for is in Fort Collins (which makes the acronym sorta wrong, but we can pretend Fortcollins is one word or something), which is in Northern Colorado.

    The pool I swim in is huge, but it's usually divided into three sections: diving well, lap lanes, kids playing type area. So our lap lanes are in the center of the pool, about 12 or so lanes across in SCY (length). The end the blocks are on is 4' deep, and the other end is 4.5'. I'd been attempting racing dives in the well to learn them, and I've done a couple dives for races/relays off the deck into the shallow lanes, but not from the block before today. I know 4' isn't /that/ shallow, but the story I mentioned in my blog up there has me all paranoid about it!

    All that rambling aside, thanks for reading! I had no idea anyone but my one friend in NorCal was reading this thing!

  3. Sorry, I see FAST and I jump to conclusions... I would imagine FCAST doesn't quite have the same dramatic appeal. Regardless it looks like the Colorado FAST pool has the same problem: 4 foot deep lanes, Boo.

    Anyways, I'm a big masters swim blogger fan (I'm one too). I've been reading for a while, I guess I've just been a little slow in leaving a comment. Keep up the good work, I like your blog!

  4. Yeah, shallow lap lanes are sucky. But then both of our muni pools here are like that, so I've never really swam in anything else.

    I've heard of your blog (via Joel and Tony's blogs), but I've never read it before now. I'm following you now, though! Thanks again for reading my blog. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)
