Monday, July 6, 2009

3000 (8850/258150)

Well, with this post I am FINALLY caught up. Whew. Again, sorry for the massive spam.

100 swim (warmup)
300 pull (warmup)
4 x 75, kick/swim/kick, odds breast, evens free
4 x 150, 50 9-kick hesitation / 50 6-kick hesitation / 50 swim, 3&4 with fins
300, 100 free / 100 breast / 100 free
300, 100 free / 100 back / 100 free
4 x 100, odds 50 catchup / 50 free, evens 50 breast drill / 50 breast
12 x 25 { 4 x 25 drill, 25 swim, 25 fast } (1-3 fly, 4-6 back, 7-9 breast, 10-12 free)
100 pull (warmdown)

Total: 2800 SCM (~3000 SCY)

I really liked this workout, though I did abuse myself with a ton of breaststroke. Evan had a bunch written into it, but then I added my own when we were supposed to swim choice sets.

The 25s drill/swim/fast were fun, because the breaks made me feel like I could sprint a little fly. I love it, but it still dislikes me quite a bit, heh. The last 25 was my free sprint, and Evan commented that it looked "really fast". And it was, something like :20, which isn't bad for 25 meters. If only I could keep up that pace for a 50 or 100, heh.

The bummer is that we found out this morning that EPIC (the pool where we swim) is closed ALL of August for cleaning and ceiling renovation, so we won't have any practice. If I go that long without swimming, I WILL turn into a giant blob, no lie. So I'm in the process of enacting a backup plan.

Option one is to swim at the other, smaller muni pool. They do open at 5:30AM, but I have no idea if they have swim teams practicing at that time or not. The cost for drop in is $4 a session, or $3.20 if you get a Super Pass multi-use card. That brings the total for three swims a week for four weeks to either $48 or $38.40. I'm paying $35 a month to FAST for dues, which Tasha said shouldn't be charged the month we're not practicing. So the cost isn't much worse. The only drawbacks are a) not knowing if we'll have the space to do it, and b) the workouts aren't coached.

Option two is to swim with another Masters team for a month. T2 Coaching (triathlon group) has a Masters team, but they apparently also practice at EPIC, so thye're likely SOL as well. There's one at a local health club, but I'm pretty sure you have to be a member of the club to participate, and their pool is TEENY. Then there's Vortex, who I was considering joining when I was trying to find a team to swim with. They are currently swimming at a private outdoor pool, which is very appealing to me. The drawback here is that their dues are $60 for the month, but they do have a more open practice schedule, so I could swim even more than three times a week, if I wanted. I sent them an email today to see about joining for August only, just to see if they'd even let me do it.

So, yeah. I WILL swim in August, even it I have to take two hour lunch breaks and work until six everyday to make it work. I'm hoping the Vortex thing works out, even though it's more expensive, because I'd like to keep up with coached workouts.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap it's raining blog posts! It's nice to see you back :)

    Good job on the most recent Triathlon. Sounds like the swim was way more solid this time. I totally feel you on the bike problems. I did a bike event back in February and flattened the same tire 2x in the same mile. I ended up walking my bike a few miles back to where I started and getting a ride back to my truck from my dad, not cool.

    I highly recommend 2 hour outdoor swim lunches btw. I just started doing that in May and I totally dig it.
